A DrJasenMed, Inc, Company
C3 Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Dr. Jason Cleveland, D.C
4332 Forest Hill Blvd.,West Palm Beach FL, 33406
561- 965- 2500
MON: 10 AM-1:30 PM, 3:30 PM-8 PM
TUES: 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
WED: 8:30 AM - 12 PM, 2 PM - 6:30 PM
THURS: Appointment Only
FRI: 8:30AM - 12PM, 2PM - 5:30PM
M: 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM
T: Appointment only
W: 2 PM - 6 PM
TH: 8 AM - 11 AM
F: 2 PM - 6 PM
Call and Schedule an appointment at
561- 965-2500
C3 Chiropractic not only gives patients Chiropractic care but does offer massages by experienced, compassionate and well rounded massage therapists. Both licensed therapists utilize their extensive massage techniques to administer healing and relief to many body aches, pains and spasms. Each patient is catered toward their specific needs and problem areas.
What’s a Chiropractic Massage?
There are several factors that contribute to subluxation and a chiropractic massage addresses two of them: spasms and soft tissue inflammation. These massages ease pain that occur and gives muscle relief.
Benefits to Chiropractic Massage
Due to inflammation in the muscles, the massage therapy brings circulation and increased flexibility to problem areas. This method to therapy brings improval of health and musculoskeletal health. When circulation and flexibility is addressed, recovery can begin to the soft tissue and connective tissue.
“By creating suction and negative pressure, massage cupping therapy is used to soften tight muscles, loosen adhesions, and seperate layers of connective tissue to bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues. Massage cupping bodywork is versatile and can easily be modified to accomplish a range of techniques, from facilitation of lymphatoc drainage to deep-tissue release.
Suction pulls toxins, pathogenic factors, blood poison, dead lymph and cellur debris from deep within tissues to the skin. The marks dissipate from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the amount of stagnation and post treatment activities.”